Milestone Recognition Week - Trish, Occupational Therapist

Posted on Tuesday February 28, 2023

We are proud of the dedicated service, compassion and ongoing care that everyone within our hospital gives to patients and their families each and every day.

During Service Milestone Recognition Week, we are celebrating a few service milestones of our staff and physicians.

Trish is an Occupational Therapist who has worked at Joseph Brant Hospital for over 20 years. Read below to learn about her role and what she likes best about working at JBH.

 “Joseph Brant Hospital (JBH) has been a place where I have not just grown professionally, but also as a person. I would not change anything about the past 20 years that I’ve worked here and I look forward to what is to come in my future with my JBH Family.”

Trish began working as an Occupational Therapist (OT) in 2002, a career she was inspired to pursue after volunteering while she was studying Biology at Brock University.

“While at Brock, my mom was receiving care from an OT in a hand clinic and told me about all the interesting things they were working with her on,” she said. “This inspired me to volunteer at the Shaver Hospital and Niagara Children’s Centre where I learned so much about OT. Once I graduated from Brock, I ended up applying and getting accepted to the OT program at Queen’s University.”

Once she graduated from Queens, she applied to work at JBH so that she could stay close to home as she would be commuting in from Hamilton each day. Now, 20 years later she says that the location, opportunity for professional development, including completing her Masters in Rehabilitation Science from McMaster University in 2020, and her colleagues have kept her at JBH.

“I tell patients, family and friends that we have an amazing group of people here at JBH,” she said. “Finding such a great group of colleagues elsewhere would be a challenge. They have been there for me in good and bad times and are always supportive. They aren’t just my friends or colleagues, they are my family.”

Thank you Trish for providing quality, compassionate patient-centred care and for being a part of the Joseph Brant Hospital Community!

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