Why Working Near Home is the Best Decision You’ll Ever Make

Posted on Thursday May 18, 2023
  1. More time with family and friends: One of the biggest benefits of having a job near home is that you can spend less time in traffic and more time doing what you want, with those who matter most. Imagine what could you do with an extra hour each day.
  2. Reduced stress and better work-life balance: Choosing a job close to home is likely to reduce stress, exhaustion, and save time that comes with long-distance commuting. All of which can positively impact your well-being, replenish your energy levels, and restore balance to your daily routine.
  3. Save money: Commuting can be expensive, whether you're driving, taking public transport or using ride-sharing services. Choosing a job close to home means you'll save money on gas, parking, and transportation costs.

Take advantage of the perks of working close to home and benefits that come with a rewarding career at JBH. New opportunities posted weekly at josephbranthospital.ca/careers

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