Q&A with Patient Family Advisory Council Co-Chair Tracie

Posted on Friday July 05, 2024
PFAC Tracie

Joseph Brant Hospital’s Patient Family Advisory team (PFA) offers patients and family members a chance to share their valuable perspectives, helping to shape and inform the delivery of patient-centred care. By collaborating with staff, the PFAs make a meaningful difference in the lives of current and future patients and families, ensuring that the patient voice is heard  in new and evolving programs, services, and offerings.

JBH is currently seeking new PFAs. To qualify, applicants must have received care as a patient or been a family member of a JBH patient within the past three years.

Becoming a PFA is an impactful role for both the hospital and its members. We spoke with Tracie, a PFA who also co-chairs the Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) at the hospital, to understand why volunteering with the PFAC is important to her:

When did you join the Patient Family Advisory team?

I became the Patient Family Advisor for the Ontario Breast Screening Program in January 2024 and the co-chair of PFAC in February of 2024.

Why did you decide to join the Patient Family Advisory team?

In 2022, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer and became a patient at Joseph Brant Hospital. I underwent chemotherapy in the summer of 2022 and continued to visit JBH every three weeks for targeted cancer treatment. By 2023, my cancer was stable, and I was feeling better, which led me to look for ways to give back. When I saw an ad on Facebook about becoming a Patient Family Advisor at the hospital, I was very intrigued. Discovering that JBH aimed to be more patient-focused and valued having the patient’s voice at the table made me eager to get involved.

What is the most rewarding part of being part of the PFA?

The most rewarding part is offering the patient’s perspective, and seeing the hospital staff actively engaged and listening.

What projects/initiatives have you worked on?

In February 2024, I became the co-chair of PFAC, allowing me to contribute to the agenda and lead meetings. Additionally, I am part of the sub-committee responsible for updating the Patient Declaration of Values.

Which has been the most impactful for you personally?

The Patient Declaration of Values is particularly impactful to me because it identifies what matters most to patients, family members, and caregivers when they come to JBH and outlines their needs and expectations from the hospital staff. Contributing to this initiative has been incredibly rewarding.

Why should someone join the Patient Family Advisory team?

As a patient or family member of a patient, when you become a Patient Family Advisor, you are sharing your real-life hospital experiences and voice with JBH to help improve the patient experience.

Are you interested in joining the Patient Family Advisory Team? Learn more and apply here: https://www.josephbranthospital.ca/en/contact-us/patient-family-advisory-council.asp?_mid_=35082


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